Monday, February 27, 2012

Like A Mad Woman

This weekend we had our master's comprehensive exam. I can't say anything about the exam until it is completed and turned in (tomorrow) because it is not allowed. Let me say, though, it has been hard work! I spent Friday and the entire weekend reading and writing. There were probably less than five instances where I actually got up! I ordered pizza, and bought all the snacks I could ever want. Luckily, my husband went to Vermont to go skiing and I had some serious alone time with all my books and articles! It is hard to believe that comps are (pretty much) under my belt now! The program is flying by. I am connecting with people and applying to jobs. It is so exciting to not know where I will be in a couple months. Right now, I am connecting with admissions professionals to learn as much as I can before entering a full-time position in May.

We have two web chats this week that I am putting together so that you can chat with current students! One is our speed chat for students coming directly from undergrad. and it will run from 12:30 - 1:30 pm EST. RSVP here! The other is the "New to Philly" web chat for all of you that are considering moving here! It will run Thursday, the 1st from 7 - 8 EST.RSVP here!

After comps are done, I want to do something fun with the cohort! ooh, and since I will have a little more time I should do another assistantship profile.

Also-my best friend is getting married on March 23rd and I just found out last week! She was my maid of honor last August, and I am hers. I felt so awful about taking time off of work and school to go to Seattle, but as Alyssa (my supervisor) said, sometimes life has to come first. Admissions is always busy and no matter what time of year I wanted to do anything it would interrupt with something. After she said that, I felt better about everything. I look forward to seeing my best friend get married!

 The love statue was rainbow instead of red this morning! I LOVE it!

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