Monday, March 26, 2012

Crystal's Wedding

I mentioned in a previous blog post that my best friend was getting married. I was nervous about taking off the time from work and school to go all the way out to Seattle/Olympia, Washington, but knew that doing so was essential. As I write this, I am a little under an hour from my short layover in Detroit on my way back from the wedding.

I got to see her get married yesterday! It was one of the most extraordinary and touching moments of my life. Even at the rehearsal, I cried watching her walk up the aisle. At the actual wedding, watching her and her grandpa walk up the aisle, seeing his proud face tear up a little, and watching her cross this very important threshold into married life totally reduced me to real, big, tears.

-- As much as I think the whole wedding business is super consumerist, possibly over-religious and most certainly hetero-normative, it still tugs at the heart strings to watch two people so in love with each other establish a marital commitment.

For the first time in my life, I had to make a toast at a wedding (I have only been to 4 weddings including my own). The pressure was on, to some extent because only 9 months before her own wedding, Crystal delivered a perfect toast at m wedding. Here is a little snippet of what I said. It's copywrighted, so don't try and steal! :)
"Crystal and I met 9 years ago. And we met because she knocked on my door. Yes. We were neighbors. She walked over to introduce herself and ask what high school I would be attending and if we could make arrangements to travel together. And, that is what we ended up doing. For our high school years, Crystal and I travelled together to Mt. Diablo High. We instantly clicked and became best friends, family even. One of the reasons I love Crystal so much is that she is the most tenacious,  resilient, and intelligent women I have ever met. She's fierce. She met David probably around 6 years ago and they have been together ever since. She had a beautiful son with him almost 3 years ago. And so, for me, this wedding only made official what I have known for years: these two souls form a blessed union. As a newlywed, I have little to offer in the way of advice, but what's probably been most helpful so far is recognizing opportunities to grow together, listen to one another , learn and remember that not every day or everything will be perfect. Don't stress too much about the little details that tend to eat up our lives because you are in it for the long haul and you now have each other's strength. Also, establish a 48 hour rule. Don't bring up old dirt! I love both of you and I'm so proud and happy to be here for you on this special day."

And it is all true. I am incredibly proud of my best friend. Congratulations, Crystal! 

In other news, I got to see the world famous Pike's Place Fish Market in Seattle! I have been wanting to see this place for years!

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