Last week, I stepped in wet concrete-really wet concrete. I sank in quickly and embraced the feeling of being in quicksand before quickly removing my foot from the freshly poured cement mix. Right away, I was really embarrassed. How had I let that happen? I had been walking down Chestnut street with a friend from the cohort and feeling pretty good about life. I was looking up, smiling, chatting and all of the sudden -boom! I was ankle deep in new sidewalk.
The experience was emblematic of what is going on in my life right now. I could tell you all about the classes I am interested in taking next semester and how excited I am about specific assignments, but I am distracted when it comes to my finals that are going on right now. I am interested in Psychology of African Americans, Enrollment Management in Higher Education, Public Policy & Higher Education, Education & Social Entrepreneurship, Professional Development, Non-Profit Leadership ( a weekend class at Penn's Fels School of Government) and the Negotiations course at Wharton (Penn's business school, next door). There are also a bunch of interesting classes at GSE I could take.
I have already talked to Dr. Joni Finney -the professor for Public Policy and Higher Education- about writing a paper with another member of my cohort on regulation possibilities for the for-profit education sector. It is difficult to regulate the for-profit education sector without intruding on not-for-profit education in unwelcome ways. For example, there was a recent controversy over the definition of a credit hour. Over break, I will be reading a lot about this so that I can come prepared next semester to write from an informed perspective on the subject.

Moving through finals has felt like such a blur! I am officially done with all of my classes but one and it just feels sort of numb. By Friday, probably around noon, I will have officially completed the first semester of my Higher Education Master's degree! It feels unreal. I am thinking ahead and feeling behind!
Last week, I really did step in wet concrete -but, at least I had on a good pair of boots! The concrete rinsed off with relative ease and I was right back on track. Hopefully, I can shake whatever is keeping me distracted so that I can finish that governance paper tonight after work and class! If I don't blog over break, I will see you next semester! Happy holidays!
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