Thursday, January 26, 2012


It's almost my accepted to Penn GSE anniversary! One year ago next Wednesday, I logged into my email as I arrived at work and received an email from Penn GSE with the mysterious subject line:

Your decision is now available

I was scared to death - or at least to the point that I stared at the computer screen for a full five minutes before moving forward. I was so nervous and had no idea what to expect. I logged into ApplyYourself only to find that I had been accepted! Accepted! The first thing I did was call my parents and mentors to personally thank them for helping me along the way. No, that is a lie. The first thing I did was stare at the letter and think about how much it meant for my life, career, future and family. Then I shared the good news with mentors and family. Since Penn GSE was the first school to accept me, it was the first time I knew that if I wanted to move forward with studying Higher Education I could. Then, I thought about what it would mean to drop everything and move across the country to launch my career.

Some of you have recently been accepted as well. This Spring, we have tons of events for accepted students sprinkled throughout the semester that are really accessible even if you can't make it to campus. Join us online or off-campus. We have web chats, speed chats, a virtual preview event and even events in Atlanta, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Miami.If you are in one of those areas, be sure to check them out!

Web Chats:

Career Changers & Students with Families 
February 23 (Thursday), 8 pm-9 pm EST. To RSVP click here.

“New to Philly” 
March 1 (Thursday), 7 pm-8 pm EST. To RSVP click here.

International Students
 March 27 (Tuesday), 10 am-11 am EST. To RSVP click here

Online Speed Chats:

Coming Straight from Undergrad 
February 29 (Wednesday), 12:30pm-1:30pm EST. To RSVP click here.

Students of Color and LGBT Students/Allies 
March 13 (Tuesday), 8-9pm EST. To RSVP click here.

Accepted Students (general)
April 12 (Thursday), 8-9pm EST. To RSVP click here.  

 Virtual Preview Event:

Virtual Accepted Students Day
April 10 (Tuesday): , 6 pm-8 pm EST. To RSVP click here.


  1. This blog was very inspiring! I am an applicant right now and I am on the edge of my seat waiting for that "decision" email. Happy anniversary and I pray I am able to meet you as a new member of the Higher Ed program at Penn :)
    Btw: I have been in contact with Dr. Gasman (outstanding individual)...she is also my friend on fb.

    Maurice Williams Jr

  2. Hang in there! It is understandable to get anxious awaiting the decision. I was soooooo anxious about it last year!Good luck Maurice!

    Dr. Gasman is great! I had History of American Higher Education with her and found it be a really interesting and creative course. Dr. Gasman just published three books at once time too! I don't know how she does it all.
