Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Introducing Assistantship Profiles!

This time last year, I was a newly accepted student and wondered constantly about next steps . . such as . .  what assistantships were available? . .  and what the assistantships would be like because, to me, the practical is just as important as the intellectual. While I was excited to embark upon a new academic journey, I sought an experience that could bridge my previous professional experience (I should say my modest professional experience) with my future career aspirations.

Some of you already know this, but entering full time master's students in the higher education program work graduate assistantships for approximately 20 hour per week throughout the program.

Just so that you can get a sense of what some of us are doing, I want to post a couple assistantship profile videos of people in the cohort talking about what they do.

Below you can see a profile of Danny's assistantship. I chose to profile Danny first because his position is very different than my own. He works for the Athletic Director at Penn State Abington while I work for the Director of Admissions at Penn GSE. I work in the same building as our classes are held, while he takes public transit to get to his assistantship. I work doing admissions outreach work and event planning while he edits video and ensures that Penn State Abington is in compliance with NCAA athletics regulations. Here is what Danny has to say about the work that he does!! Enjoy!

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